App Development FAQ

Software development is a complex process, but we have the answers from our 30+ years of experience. Can’t find what you need here? Get in touch!

The cost to make an app will vary depending on functionality and complexity. A basic app will run around $40,000. An app with medium complexity will be more in the $100,000 range. Complex apps will run closer to $200,000 and up.

The main items which impact cost are:

  1. Scale
  2. API integration
  3. Back-end integration
  4. Hardware integration
  5. Native vs. Hybrid

We work strictly as a developer for hire. We do not participate in any revenue splits or percentage agreements. That means while you shoulder development costs, you own your app free and clear, including source code and intellectual property.

One of the very first steps in the app development timeline is the signing of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) by both Zco and you, the prospective client. This protects both parties since we’ll be working very closely together. Once it’s finished, the app and all its source code and intellectual property belong to you.

An app can take between three to nine months to create. The more clearly you’ve defined your idea and how it will work as an app, the more closely we can estimate the time it will take to develop.

Absolutely! We can develop in each platforms native language or use a number of cross-platform languages. Learn more about our mobile app development services.

Of course! If you have the technical know-how or artwork ready, and just need something specific from us, we can cater to your needs. The idea is yours, so bring as much to the table as you can.

Consumers will be able to download apps right on their devices. We’re experts in the submission process, having submitted hundreds of apps for hundreds of clients to the various consumer download services:

  • Apple iTunes App Store
  • Google Play for Android
  • Private distribution for enterprise applications

There are dozens of examples on our portfolio page. Some of the categories include healthcare, games, and lifestyle.

Take a look at the customer reviews on the portfolio page or contact our sales team directly to request a personal reference.

App owners receive statistics from the various download services for their own apps. We do not keep track of clients’ stats, but you might find some companies boasting about their downloads on their own websites.

A native app is written specifically for one operating system, like Android or iOS. A hybrid app has some native code but also relies on programming languages that all operating systems can understand. Zco offers both hybrid and native app development services because both approaches have their advantages. Hybrid apps can sometimes be faster and more cost-effective to deploy to multiple mobile operating systems, but native apps typically perform more smoothly and quickly. For example, front-end programming for a particular app might cost $10,000 for Android and an additional $10,000 for iOS, totaling $20,000 if both are built natively. A hybrid approach might cost more like $13,000 for both.

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